upon a time, in a kingdom, the king reigned with wisdom and loved by the
people. King had was the crown prince
multi-faceted good-looking and smart, but unfortunately, the prince has a
physical disability. His body was quite
crooked, so he couldn't walk with robust and muscular. As a result the prince to quiet, ashamed associate, and do
not have the confidence. The situation makes
heart of the king worried and sad. Because if it
comes soon prince ascended the throne, he must be able to lead his people with
good because it does not have the authority and self-confidence.
The royal
advisor who are loyal really understands sadness the prince. After confer repeatedly, secretly they book a statue to a
sculptor palace that are very good. And his
counselors asked sculptor made a handsome face the prince's position body
stands robust and stutter exalted in power. Later, images to a warlike, it will
be the prince in birthday.
days When the prince arrives, in the
atmosphere that was happy in the presence of the king and queen, presents images are covered in silk offered to the prince.
There were calligraph; "For our leaders, in
the name of all people who love prince." When the prince opened silk veil
covering the ... are fascinating! There was
a statue to the prince's face a very good-looking man and the bodies upright,
authority. And the size that statue has the same
body posture exactly the same as the prince.
happy receive gifts, and the statue was
placed them in the garden of the royal palace behind. Every time she saw a statue himself, prince so admire
them. In his heart prince said, "statue this gift my army percent desire
of course symbolic, has a calf king
normal and evenly. It is of course, I want to be like that is expected to my
Realize that, every day the prince walking around with the spirit park with
statue that stands out as the focus. It reflects
how authoritative himself if one is able to stand firm and upright like a
statue. Prince began to learn to simulate
the attitude stand firm and walked upright like posture the graven images.
Customary practice like that lived will continuously
and sustainable from day to day, Sunday to last week percent and from month to
not feel, in to be changed. Finally, result achieved very amazing. Still face a very good-looking like previously, now the
prince has a body evenly and to stand as the statue in the garden behind the
King is
also very happy with this change. The prince
is seen as if it was born again became a man with a face new, handsome faces,
standing, and walk with a body upright and robust, full of confidence and. And
if it is time, the prince had to be ready to carry out responsibility as new
king who will rule over his people with full of self-confidence and authority.

waaa keren yaa cerpen nya, inspiratif banget..!!